Wednesday 21 February 2018

Some locations in the Gardens of Ynn

Here's some location's from the module I'm working on. Each gets paired with a 'detail' so that a given lawn might be burned, or have a pile of treasure, or have exposed pipework, or whatever. So, although they seem a little bare-bones, this is only half of the detail a given location will have in practice.

Manicured Lawn
Short, cropped grass, studded with daisies. Surrounded by a low brick wall over which ivy climbs. Quiet, save for distant birdsong.
Nothing much here.

Herb garden.
Neat rows of exotic herbs in raised beds, gone to seed and overflowing their allotted space into the brick paths between. D6+depth herbs with useful properties growing here. D6+depth doses of each herb can be harvested.
  Roll for what a given herb does:
1. Analgesic, heals 1 hp.
2. Hallucinogen (2d6 damage to wisdom)
3. Strength Tonic, +1 to damage.
4. Psychedelic; instantly re-memorize a spell cast today.
5. Re-roll save vs the last poison/disease suffered.
6. Paralysis, d6 turns, Save vs Poison avoids.
7. Vomiting for d4 rounds, no save.
8. Irritant, +1 to all damage suffered for the next day.
9. Tastes really nice. Each dose worth 10 silver.
10. Roll for Ynnian Alterations (see page XX)
1-in-6 chance to identify a plant’s effects from pre-existing knowledge, except for characters with improved chance at  survival skills (such as druids and Halflings), who get to use that chance instead. Otherwise, identify by trial-and-error.

Vine Trellis.
Steel frameworks hold up a tangle of overgrown vines, producing dappled shade beneath them. Hiding is easy here (double chance). The vines produce deep blue fruit that can be fermented like grapes, producing a liquor that induces psychedelic visions.

Fruit trees spaced out every few yards, coppiced so their branches start five feet above the ground. Trunks now gnarled  and  grizzled with age, branches extending into a tangled canopy that ends fifty feet up.
Fruit no longer harvest drop to the floor, where they rot and ferment. The place stinks of alcohol. Just breathing here is intoxicating,  on entering Save vs Poison; on a failure 1 damage to flesh each turn you remain.
Fruit still on the branch is edible and tastes good. Combine this with the flesh of stuff you hunt, and you could have a pretty good diet.

Ornamental ponds, their surfaces covered in floating lilies.  Huge drifting fish like bright orange and pink carp and catfish beneath the surface. Rushes and cat-tails grow here in abundance.

Rose Garden
Roses grown in neat beds, in huge varieties. Now overgrown, tangled masses of thorns dotted with brilliantly-coloured exotic roses.
Movement here is half speed due to the thorns. Alternatively, if you don’t care about getting scratched up, move at full speed for a turn (d8 damage) or a round (1 damage).
Only one rose grows here that’s pure black. Eat it, and you get +1 HP and black rosepetal-patterns like tattoos, permanently. It’s visible at the centre of the rose garden, but reaching it takes d6 damage with no clear route that avoids getting scratched up.

A jolly little wooden pavilion. Bright paint faded and peeling. Within, a few wicker chairs and manky cushions. Cobwebs, perhaps. Knickknacks such as tea-sets, decks of cards, opium pipes, worth d10+depth silver, plus roll for treasure.
A safe place to camp at night; so long as there’s a flame within the Gazebo (from a candle, lantern or campfire), no monsters will attack those within.


Glass buildings that housed tropical plants. Now the window panes are cracked and broken, and the plants within either died off in the unsympathetic climate or overgrowing the place.
Regardless of the weather outside, it’s warm, dry and pleasant within. Mist makes hiding easy here; double everybody’s chance to hide, and the chance to be ambushed.
To generate the map, drop a small handful of dice onto some paper. Where a dice lands, draw a hothouse. The cross-section of dice is the floorplan of the glasshouse. Each corner on the upper face points to a doorway. D12s are two stories high, d20s 3.
Each hothouse contains one of the following (look at the number rolled for what):
1. Rare plants worth d4+depth silver.
2. Nothing of note.
3. Plants with medicinal properties. D6 doses, each heals 1 hp.
4. Fruit you can eat safely.
5. Poisonous plants. Ingesting or injection causes 2d6 damage. D6 doses.
6. Tables and chairs, now rusted over.
7. D4+1 Carnivorous plants. Can’t move from the spot. Armour as leather. 3 HD, 10HP, attacks d6 times a round (+3, d6 damage), saves as fighter 3, immune to all the stuff you’d expect plants to be immune to.
8. No plants at all.
9. Digestive green slime growing over the ceiling. Make a sudden or loud noise and some drops on you (treat as an attack,  +0 to hit, d6 damage). Be stealthy and you can see how every little noise causes it to ripple in response.
10. Ornamental gold birdcages, with dead songbirds within.
11. Horrible spores. Breathing them in results  in 1 damage per turn. No saves. Damage continues at the same rate once you leave, but roll a Save vs Poison.  If you pass, it stops after as many turns as the dice roll. If you fail, it continues indefinitely. If you die from the spores, your corpse sprouts delicate flowers that spew more of the spores into their environment.
12. Under the greenery, human skeletons with creepers growing out of their rib-cages. Reanimate when approached. Plant-skeletons have AC as leather,  1 HD, 4 HP, claws (+0, d6), saves as fighter 1.  Undead. Those killed reanimate as plant-skeletons a turn later.
13 or more, or anything else shown: the glasshouse I sealed from the outside, the doors boarded over. Inside is dense with greenery trying to get out. If opened up, a carnivorous plant emerges each round. Stats as above, but the plants aren’t immobile. Furthermore, anybody killed by the plant has a seed planted in them; a turn later, a new carnivorous plant rips free of their flesh.

Orchid Houses
Like the hothouses, these glass buildings  protect from the weather. Generate where they all are like hothouses.
Each glass house contains rare orchids worth d6+depth silver to a collector. 

Steel frameworks eerily reminiscent of trees, but lacking in leaves, are spaced evenly. Hung from these, draped from tree to tree or suspended from the branches, are a mandala-like network of strands of silk in a brilliant rainbow of colours.
The silk is sticky. Save vs Paralysis or get stuck fast if you deliberately touch it. Running, combat, or anything else of a vigorous nature probably calls for a save each round to avoid touching the silk (but  roll twice and take the better result).
Once something’s stuck on the webs, the spinner worms arrive. Like fat silkworms as long as your arm. D4 of them per person stuck in the silk. Carnivorous.
AC as  chain, 1 HD, 3 HP. Bites (+1, d4 damage), saves as fighter 1. On a 20 to hit, spins more webs, fastening a limb to the body. Immune to the effects of the webs. Insectile intelligence.

Chess Lawn
A wide square lawn. 10-yard squares of neatly manicured grass alternate with black stone slabs. Scattered about are chess pieces in obsidian and white marble,  each twice as high as a human. Here and there, scattered bits of human bones.
Actually perfectly safe.

Hedge Maze
A tangled maze of thorny hedges. Once you’ve gone in, each turn you’ve got two options;
à Explore the Maze. Each PC rolls a d20. For each 20, roll for a random encounter as something finds the players. Other rolls that are higher than the PCs intelligence score are discarded. Rolls equal to or lower than the intelligence score are added to a running total. Once the running total equals 50, the maze is fully explored and the party can go back or go deeper freely.
à Go back the way you came. Once you’ve decided to do this, it takes 1 turn to get out again per turn spent in the maze so far, and then you can go back to the last location before the maze.
Hacking through the hedges helps, at a cost. Each player who hacks gets to add their d20 to the progress total, regardless of if it was greater than their intelligence or not. However, doing so attracts attention: automatically roll for an encounter.  The same applies to other plans to circumvent the maze, such as climbing over.
Once the maze is fully explored, the centre is found: roll a random treasure to see what’s there.

Little wooden shacks that once housed various beasts and birds of the garden. Now abandoned and falling to ruin.
Roll twice for events each turn here; things still nose about.

A formal garden full of elegant, classical style statues.  Many seem to depict people in great pain, surprised or frightened. Many statues are over-grown with ivy.
1-in-6 chance that one of the statues is of a famous missing person from the real world.
Anybody who dies here turns to a statue immediately. Until turned back to flesh, they can’t be resurrected.

A scattering of trees. The further in you go, the denser the trees get. Each turn exploring the woods brings you deeper in. After three turns, the light under the canopy is dim , after 5 it’s dark enough to need lamps, after 7 it’s as dark as night. Getting to the other side of the woods in order to go deeper takes at least 8 turns.

A stone tomb surrounded by formal gardens and low hedges. A big rectangular block of marble, topped with a statue.  12 feet across.
It’s hollow. You can pry away the slabs that make up the sides or lift the top to get inside.
Inside, a grave. D4 skeletons, and roll for treasure. If you steal the treasure, Save vs Magic or be cursed; roll a d12 for the curse.
1) -1 HP, permanently, and the word THIEF branded on the character’s forehead.
2) Transmutation! Roll for Ynnian Alterations (page XX)
3) Blind in one eye. Once both eyes are gone, your pretty screwed.
4) Somebody you care about dies of unrelated causes. Probably just a coincidence.
5) Gold Lust: halve all XP from any treasure that’s not coinage or precious metals.
6) Karmic Misfortune: when you roll your next PC, treat all 6s as 1s.
7) No longer gain nutrition from eating meat.
8) -1 to all saves vs other curses, forever.

Shooting Range
A long lawn, with large stakes driven into the ground at one end.  Some of the stakes have bullet-holes in them. Some still have skeletons tied to them.
There’s nothing much of not e here beyond that.

Fountain Court
Cracked pavement, grass growing between the slabs, surrounds a shallow pool with a fountain in the middle. The fountain still flows, water trickling into a crystal clear pool.
At the bottom of the pool, there’s coins that have been thrown in.  If you take any out, you can’t get any benefit from the fountain,  from that point on, and lose any benefits you might have gained.
Throw a coin in the fountain and something good happens. You only get this the first time, after that you need to throw in something more valuable than the last one you threw in. The sequence is:
à Coin
à Coin purse
à Minor item (lantern)
à Important item (sword)
à Valuable item (spellbook)
à Unique item (artwork)
à Drown a living person.
Roll a d10 for the benefit a given fountain grants.
1. +1 HP permanently.
2. +1 to hit permanently.
3. +1 Strength permanently.
4. +1 Dexterity permanently.
5. +1 Constitution permanently.
6. +1 Intelligence permanently.
7. +1 Wisdom permanently.
8. +1 Charisma permanently.
9. +1 AC permanently.
10. D20 x Depth XP.

Drinking from the fountain after you toss a coin in doubles the effects of the benefit.

Shadow Theatre
A semi-circular amphitheatre with stone steps for seats, now overgrown with moss and ferns.  A central stage, with the rusted, rotted, crumbling apparatus for shadow-puppets.
Shadows here don’t move normally. They react when their owners remain still, and grope towards light-sources.
Linger here, and the shadow begins to detach.  1 damage to charisma per turn spent here. On leaving, this effect continues each turn, and make a Save vs Magic. On a failure, the effect carries on indefinitely. On a success, the damage stops after as many turns as the number rolled.
If Charisma hits 0, the shadow is finally free.  Heal all lost charisma. From this point on:
à The character casts no shadow.
à The character has no reflection.
à Attempts to draw the character become unrecognisable. Whole movements in abstract or stylized art might stem from their futile attempts at drawing an accurate picture of themselves.
à The character’s sense of self is eroded. Whenever they level up, re-roll all previous hit dice for a completely new hitpoint total.
à The shadow itself becomes an animate shadow; an intangible monster that hates light and warmth.
HD 2, HP 12, Armour as chain, intangible claws (+2, d4 and 1 charisma damage), intangible and immune to physical damage, bright light does d6 damage a round,  dead victims transform into more shadows.

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